Godspeed, Bill Porter
21 April 2021
“The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.” Proverbs 16.9
Bill Porter is a high-impact staff colleague and inspiring brother-in-Christ. That’s why you see the staff in the picture attached all giving our “thumbs downs” at the news that Bill will be departing COS May 5. Bill’s fantastic gift to us, helping us figure out how to share creatively and with excellence our worship services amid the days of pandemic shut-down, was a blessing and curse both. On one hand, so many people complimented COS for being at the top of the pack in terms of our streaming quality in these new days.
On the other hand, Bill’s leadership of our streaming efforts was so impressive that it caught the attention of a large Lutheran church in Charlotte, North Carolina, who pursued Bill vigorously with a fantastic job package. Although COS was willing to explore matching his offer, Bill prayerfully discerned that, because of strong relationships in NC and some other factors, Charlotte was the right place for the Porter family in this next life chapter.
As the Proverb above indicates, because so many COS leaders appreciated Bill’s gifts, our “human minds were planning the way” for Bill to be among us for decades to come. But, since “the Lord directs the steps,” we’re (reluctantly) willing to bless Bill, Emily, Anna, and Harper as they begin a fantastic future that God is unfolding, for both the Porter family and COS.
In the days ahead you’ll hear Bill’s farewell comments to you. As for now, we rejoice in some highlights of Bill’s time with us:
- In early pre-Covid 2021, Bill accepted two part time positions at COS, with his wife Emily moving to Atlanta to take over the family business: Assistant Director of Contemporary Worship (10 hrs/wk) and Director of Connecting Ministries (24 hrs/wk).
- With the onset of Covid, Bill used his prior understanding of streaming online worship to help COS pivot to online worship. So many felt Bill had been sent to COS by God for just this purpose. He helped us buy the right cameras, streaming software, tripods, and supplies. Bill was adept at starting to train all the volunteers we required.
- Realizing the pandemic was changing congregational realities long-term, Bill was called to serve as our very first Director of Technology for Worship & Presentations.
- Using half of a generous gift from Mechti Vogt for worship improvements, Bill led a renovation team for our Fellowship Hall/Contemporary Worship Space. Many are thrilled at the space’s increased beauty and functionality for not only worship but hosting a variety of COS ministries and community events as well.
- The COS staff and volunteer teams that Bill created appreciate Bill because of his strong faith, positivity, timely communication, and dedication to flourishing teams.
If you’d like to send Bill an email of appreciation, contact him at [email protected]. He’s got two more weekends with us as well as serving as “executive producer” for the ELCA Senior Pastors of Larger Congregations Conference that COS is hosting virtually May 4.
Thanks for your prayers for the Personnel Team as we work hard to discern new staff colleagues and leaders. As our opening verse says, we’ll work hard to plan, but trust that God directs the specific steps! And, as always, that conviction in God’s faithfulness and ultimate leadership brings us hope for the future.
In Christ’s hope,
Pastor Fritz