Pass the peace

Pass the Peace 2023


Start date: Wednesday, February, 1, 2023
End date: Tuesday, February, 28, 2023
All-day event
Fellowship Event

Congregation-Wide Pass the Peace 2023!

Would you like to get to know a new friend? Want a fun way to connect with other folks at Christ Our Shepherd? Help us PASS THE PEACE! We think February, the month of Valentine’s Day – the official holiday of love – is a great time to do so!

When you sign up to PASS THE PEACE (Pass the Peace Sign Up) by January 27, you will receive the name and address of another member of the COS family on January 31. Then, it will be your opportunity to connect with that person/family somehow. Maybe you would send a card, make a call, plan a driveway meet and greet, invite them over for coffee, meet for lunch, etc.  It doesn’t have to be anything big….just let them know that you are thinking of them. Be creative! You will have until March 1 to make your connection and PASS THE PEACE. Connect with your PEACE partner as many times as you’d like, but please make sure you connect at least once by the March 1 deadline. Remember that a different PEACE partner will receive your name as well, so you will be on the receiving end of some fun surprises too!

Please take this PASS THE PEACE challenge. We’d like everyone to participate: single, married, with kids, no kids, partner, widow, whatever. ALL MEANS ALL!

If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Anderson, Connecting Ministries, at [email protected].