Opportunities to serve
Read below about the various opportunities to serve with Christ Our Shepherd in the church, community, and wider areas. Then, use this button to let us know how you would like to get involved with community service at any level. We will connect you with the right ministry leaders.
Serve Our community
Christ Our Shepherd engages in community service in many ways, most significantly in feeding people.
Joshua's Gift feeds under-resourced school children by providing backpacks filled with food for the weekend.
Our summer sack lunch program provides 245 kids with lunch and books delivered to their homes each Monday. We partner with two community churches as part of a larger program of community churches that feeds families Monday through Friday
Three times each week, we collect day-old breads and pastries from a local grocery store and deliver them to Redeemer Soup Kitchen and Union Mission in downtown Atlanta.
COS volunteers help prepare and serve lunch once a month to the homeless at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Atlanta.
Each month, Christ Our Shepherd supports a local Ministry of the Month. For example, past Ministries of the Month served women's shelters, foster children, the homeless, veterans, food pantries and animal shelters.
Serve at COS
Once we’ve served our community, we find delight in serving those closest to us. Here are some ways we do that at Christ Our Shepherd:
You can be an important part of worship ministry. Contact Linda Volckmann at the office for more information. [email protected] 770-487-8717
Worship Assistants (High School/Adults)
Read scripture, lead prayers, and serve communion for worship at 8:30 & 11:00am (Traditional) and/or 9:45am (Contemporary). If this interest you, then contact Linda Volckmann at the office for more information. [email protected]
Greeters (High School/Adult)
Greet worshipers as they enter the church building, provide friendly directions to anyone not familiar with the building layout.
Ushers (High School/Adult)
Greet worshipers at the sanctuary, distribute bulletins, collect offering, and guide communion. Ushers serve approximately once every two months.
Communion Assistants (High School/Adults)
Distribute the bread and wine to worshipers.
Altar Guild (High School/Adults)
Prepare for communion, maintain candles, and prepare for baptisms as needed. Altar guild volunteers serve for a month at a time.
Acolytes and Crucifers (6th Grade and up)
Light candles, carry the processional cross, receive the offering from the ushers, and serve at communion.
Technology Ministry (High School/Adults)
The Tech Team will plan, set up, and implement in the following areas: Sound Engineering, Camera Operating, Sling Studio Broadcasting and Slides & Projection. Contact Brad Milburn for more information. [email protected]

Serve with Music
Music is a vital part of the worship experience at Christ Our Shepherd, and there are numerous ways you can get involved whether by singing, playing an instrument, ringing handbells, or participating in a special event.
Serve our region
Each year Christ Our Shepherd plans a disaster long-term recovery trip to assist people recovering from disasters in our Synod. We partner with Lutheran Disaster response (LDR), the Synod Disaster Ministry Committee and its social ministry organizations R3SM and Inspiritus to assist those needing assistance in recovering from a disaster. Long-term recovery involves tasks that include insulation, drywall, painting, siding, and other items that help people return to a home that was damaged in a storm or flood. Anyone with a willingness to serve others is welcome to be a part of the team! No experience is necessary as there is an experienced construction manager on-site to train the team.
Christ Our Shepherd supports regional Lutheran camping ministries as vital places where children and youth grow in faith. COS hosts Men's Retreats at Lutheranch. The regional camps are: Lutheranch in Tallapoosa, Georgia , Lutheridge in Arden, North Carolina, Lutherock in Newland, North Carolina and Luthersprings in Hawthorne, Florida. NovusWay Ministries manages these camps.

Serve Our world
Our primary global outreach effort partners with the Haitian Timoun Foundation, an organization that empowers Haitian partners and leaders.
Additionally, we work through Lutheran World Relief and the ELCA to address global needs and to support the work of 240 missionaries worldwide.