Word from Wiese

A Recipe for Thanksgiving

A Recipe for Thanksgiving

Word from Wiese

11 November 2023

Friends in Faith,

First, let me say how YOU, faithful reader, will be on my Thanksgiving List.   This weekly WFW note originated out of necessity, a Covid-era communication effort for staying in touch with a community the pandemic spread apart.   But after Covid waned, many of you encouraged me to keep writing.  So, I’m humble and grateful, in turn, that you keep reading, at least when you have a moment to open all your emails.  I really appreciate how many of you share funny or touching responses, encouragement, and even ideas for future WFWs.   Thank you!

As I write, I’m getting ready to drive to the airport to pick up my folks who are flying in from Ohio.    So, I’ll try to keep this short.    Let me share a recipe, though, that you might want to consider amid all the ingredients you’re coordinating for your five-star dishes.  The unknown author calls it a Recipe for Friendship:



    • 1 large smile
    • 2 cups of sweetness
    • A large helping of positivity
    • A good sense of humor
    • 1 cup of self esteem
    • 2 spoonfuls of true faith
    • 1 spoonfuls of goodwill
    • 2 pinches of easy-going
    • And a heart full of love

Mix together and share with family and friends”

That recipe reminds me of some other key ingredients, all fruits.   St. Paul identifies 9 delicious “fruits of the Spirit” that Jesus followers can offer the world daily.

Fruits of the Spirit


How do you mix and match those fruits daily?   Whatever your recipe, what a nourishing and empowering dish you offer your friends and family with those ingredients!

If you’re in town this evening, maybe we can have some fun together at the Chili Dinner at church, beginning at 6 PM, followed by a fun hymn sing with classic Thanksgiving songs with a few fun twists.

Haitian Timoun FoundationFinally, thanks to all of you who, in a spirit of gratitude to God for cornucopias of all good things, have offered your faith giving intents for 2024 as part of our Multiplying Love campaign.  One expression of our ongoing efforts to multiply Jesus’ love in the world is our Thanksgiving “$80 for Haiti” invitation.   As we sit down with family and friends in abundance and safety, we remember Christian friends in Haiti whose tumultuous lives are challenged by gangs and instability.    We’re excited to offer the dollars of change, perhaps after a grocery purchase or a meal out, knowing that for every 80 dollars we assemble, that will purchase enough food for a family of four Haitians for two months.

Here is a link, if you’re so moved:  $80 for Haiti

Wherever you’re traveling, whatever you end up eating, I celebrate all the Lord’s generous provisions . . .  including YOUR ROLE in the world.

In Christ’s hope,

Pastor Fritz