Fall is a time for changes... new school year, cooler temperatures, and changing leaves.  Join us at Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church for engaging adventures in special worship, fall activities, and creative serving opportunities.

Connecting in Jesus's pathway of Joy and Life.

  • Youth Kick Off
  • Chili Cookoff
  • Octoberfest
  • Music and the Master
  • Small Groups
  • Book Club
  • ROMEOs
  • Blessing of the Animals
  • Speed Bumps

Fellowship for all ages

Blessing of the Animals - Celebrate the Feast of St. Francis on Assisi with a special Blessing of the Animals in the church parking lot on Tuesday, October 8th.   Whether your special animal is a dog, cat, bunny, or chicken, bring them for a special blessing.  But, please make sure they are securely crated or leashed!

Octoberfest - Join the fun at this afternoon of fall activities such as live music, food and beverages, games, local artisans at our Palmetto Road property on Saturday, October 19th.

Thanksgiving Eve Chili Cookoff and Hymn Sing - On the day before Thanksgiving, bring your favorite chili for a unique pot-luck supper. Following supper we will have an old fashioned "Hymn Sing."

Octoberfest is full of fall activities.

small groups - connecting ministries 

CONNECTING MINISTRIES & WEEKLY SMALL GROUPS:  Barbara Anderson [email protected].

Welcome to the season of fall at COS!  As school begins, so do many of our regularly scheduled programing, and we continue to offer opportunities for meaningful and active connections.  If you would like to subscribe to our COS emails,  please click here.

One really wonderful way to CONNECT your mind and spirit is to join a Small Group.  For example, join a Fellowship Group such as ROMEOS (Retired Old Men Eating Out) or CANVAS Art Ministry, our casual Wednesday gathering in the Conference Room led by Pastor Miriam, or a G.I.F.T. (Growing in Faith Together) Group which meet both at the church and in homes.  Throughout the year, the Sunday lectionary text is discussed during TEXT TALK which meets on Sundays at 9:45am, and Open Door provides an adult Sunday school class at 11:00am, for those who attend the Contemporary Service.

Small Groups include a variety of activities


Text Talk (9:45am Conference Room) meets every Sunday to discuss the weekly lectionary text.

Open Door (11:00am Room 214) meets every Sunday for an adult Bible study.


Wednesday Bible Study:  Join us at 1:45pm in a casual small group setting for a Bible study. This group meets in the conference room.

G.I.F.T. (Growing in Faith Together) GROUPS meet regularly to spend time together learning, celebrating, serving, praying, and supporting each other. These groups meet in homes and at church, to foster community, discussion, and relationships. Contact Barbara to connect you with a small group.

ROMEO'S (Retired Old Men Eating Out) meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month  in the Fellowship Hall at 11:30am.  Bagged Chick-Fila will be brought in.

JULETT'S (Joyous Uplifting Ladies Enjoying Time Together) meets at noon on the 3rd Thursday of the month.  Bring your own lunch and enjoy fellowship with these ladies.

Book Club meets on the second Thursday of the month in the Conference Room.

Speed Bumps meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm.  "Let's slow down and get real, tackling tough topics and Christianity."

Friday Fella-ship meets once a month (usually on the first Friday) in different locations for fellowship with adult men.

children & youth ministry

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: Ingrid Hudson [email protected]

Sunday School will continue throughout the school year, meeting at 9:45am on Sundays.

M&M, our music program for 1st-5th graders, meets on Wednesdays at 4:30pm for chimes, handbells, and vocal music, beginning August 21st. 

Depending on interest level, sKiddles, our music program for 4 and 5 year olds meets at 5:00pm on Wednesdays, begins in September or January..

MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH: Ethan Miller [email protected]

Logos and Loft, our youth programs for middle and high school students meet Wednesday nights at 6:00pm.  Fall activities get started in August and include Sunday Fundays and Halloween activities, in addition to regular Wednesday meetings!

Music and the MastersKIDdles