Accuracy & Matthew 25
5 February 2025
Dear friend in faith,
After church on Sunday, there was a statement issued by a prominent voice in our nation which was inaccurate. Charges were made of money laundering and illegal payments by Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services.
That unfounded accusation was not only incorrect.
It was very unhelpful in our important national debate about how we best update our time-honored tradition of supporting endangered refugees and immigrants pursuing the American dream on one hand and doing so with measured, loving, legal, and sustainable practices on the other.
Lutherans feel honored in playing a very special role alongside so many other Christian denominations and faith communities of enacting Christ’s call in Matthew 25 to welcome the stranger, feed the hungry, and clothe the naked.
Lutherans have answered our country’s call to help administer our nation’s welcome of refugees and immigrants, in tandem with governmental agencies, for over 80 years. I know some COS extended families speak fondly of being welcomed to America through the coordination of ELCA predecessor bodies in the World War 2 era.
I encourage you to watch this 2-3 minute statement of clarification by ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton for more information.
May God bless all of us as we strive as faithful citizens to enact the prophet Micah’s clarifying call: “What is required of you? To do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.”
In Christ’s hope,
Pastor Fritz