Word from Wiese

Barbara Anderson

Getting to Know a New Friend & Leader:
Barbara Anderson, New Director of Connecting Ministries

November 18, 2020

Barbara AndersonToday, I’m delighted to use my weekly article to share a little interview that helps you to get to know better the new COS Director of Connecting Ministries, Barbara Anderson

PF: Barbara, we are thrilled that you accepted our offer to serve as the Director of Connecting Ministries at COS, serving up to 24 hours each week. Besides the pastors inviting you to serve and share your gifts, why did you accept the position?

BA: I had been feeling “at loose ends” for a couple of years. Feeling like there should be something more I was to do but with no idea what it might be. As you know, I am a busy person by nature and had been busy with the Praise Band, sKIDdles (the choir for 4 and 5 year olds) organizing the COS volunteers who serve at the Redeemer Soup Kitchen in Atlanta. Also, about a year ago, I had completed the mentor training to serve in the Fayette County school system and was a new mentor when Covid shut down the schools. I had been praying to God for something – I did not know what. But I was ready for a bit more in life. Suddenly, my volunteering activities were all on hiatus. After a few months of “vacation”, that feeling of being “at loose ends” became more acute. COS has always been a big and important part of my life and the life of my family. When I was approached about this job, I really felt like this opportunity was an answer to prayer. The timing was right. And I think I am well suited to this particular position of getting people together – to connect others to Jesus’ pathway of joy and life.

PF: Tell us about how and when you first started visiting at COS.

BA: We had been very active worshippers at another local Lutheran church for many years when, as changes were occurring in the ELCA, it became clear to all of us as a family that it was time for us to find another church to attend. It was actually my son, Max, (who was in the 9th grade at the time) who had made a new friend in high school and suggested we try COS.

PF: What do you think “connected” you to keep coming back?

BA: My husband, Keenan, is from Minnesota, land of the Lutherans, so there was never any question that our church would be a Lutheran one. But when we discovered the incredible musical family at COS, we knew this was the place for us. Immediately, Max joined the brass choir and Eli (our daughter) joined the clarinet choir. Within a couple of years, I was trying to put together a group of musicians to help lead in the contemporary service once a month.

PF: Many people love the whole Anderson family. But for those who might not know, tell us about your hubby and kids.

Keenan and Barbara AndersonBA: Keenan, my husband, is an engineer for the Federal Aviation Administration. His job brought us to Fayette County 26 years ago. My son, Max, is 24 years old and a student at Georgia State. My daughter, Eli is 23 years old and works at the Georgia State Capitol as an assistant to four legislators. I am so glad we all still live close enough to each other that we are able to get together often. They are all really nice people. Sometimes, when I watch them from a distance in a group setting, I think to myself, “I really like them. If they weren’t my family, I’d want to be their friend”!! That’s a really sweet thing to be able to say!

PF: In brainstorming who might be well-suited for this position, Pastor Miriam and I realized how extensively and deeply your involvement has been over the years. Why do you think you enjoy so much congregational life that the Holy Spirit stirs up here at COS?

BA: There is SO MUCH going on here! It really is incredible. I am so impressed by how hard the leadership of COS works to give the congregation so many ways to be engaged! There is really something for everyone here. So many opportunities to serve the community, to use musical talents, to socialize. It is a wonderful community.

PF: You’re brand new on the job, but do you have a “philosophy” about what happens when folks get connected firmly to a local congregation?

BA: They are enriched! They are made better. They become happier. They develop a network. They can be blessed and they can be a blessing.

PF: Barbara, among other objectives in your role, you’ll be supporting COS with small groups, visitors, and helping members new and old find neat connections to serve and grow in faith. What do you want folks to know as you launch into your new ministry of leadership?

BA: Although I have been an active member for years, I feel that there is so much going on at COS that even I am not aware of. Because, in the past, there have been four services and many attendees were very dedicated to “their” service, it often felt to me that there were almost four separate congregations. I really look forward to getting to know folks from all services and groups. I would really like to see us come together more often as one big group for worship and social opportunities. I think that would really foster a strong feeling of community. And it would be tons of fun!!

PF: From your point of view, what’s one thing COS does really well right now? What’s one thing you hope we can do better a year from now?

BA: Well. I think everyone who has been paying any attention at all during the past 8 months would agree that the one this COS is doing really well right now is VIRTUAL WORSHIP. Isn’t it INCREDIBLE that just a few months ago we didn’t have any of the technology, equipment or skills to run and stream both a contemporary and traditional worship service. And when we watch now at home, it is seamless. High quality. Great. Something I would be proud to invite any friend to watch. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WHOLE TEAM OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE MADE THIS POSSIBLE FOR US!! About the future. Hmmmm. That is a tough one. I have lots of hopes. Right now, just a return to something more normal in one year sounds like a pretty great dream to me.

PF: Who should contact you for help and how can they reach you?

BA: Basically, anyone with any questions about what is going on at COS should call on me. I’m still learning right now, but I can certainly find answers. And anyone with any ideas about things that SHOULD be going on here should call on me. My cell phone number is 770-719-0790 and my email address is [email protected].

PF: Well, Barbara, again, we’re thrilled that you’ve answered God’s call to share your leadership gifts with us at COS. We’ll hold you in prayer as we move into God’s future together! But one final question: what’s one fun fact about you?

BA: I am a Florida girl who lived in Kodiak, Alaska, for 5 years!