Christ Our Shepherd Lenten Devotion Series 2023
Possibilities: Breaking Outside Your Bubble
March 10, 2023
Today’s devotional comes from Nicole Niwa, one of our newest members.
This week we are focusing on stepping outside your bubble and, to do so, you need two things: faith and courage.
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
We never really, truly know where life will take us and, for many, the not knowing can drive us insane. You must believe that God has a plan for you and that you will be commanded along the way. Our family has had to step out of our bubble on numerous occasions and trust that Lord had a plan for us, and that God would be with us wherever we went. In life we may end up in the same place our entire lives. Or, we may end up in a new state, at a new church. Or, we may be called to serve in an entirely different country and make an incredible impact like Cutlers, who gave the message on Sunday.
The impact you make on the world isn’t about where you go. The impact you make will be on the people whom you touch along the way. Your life is your journey, but the impact you make is on others along the way. To make a positive impact, you will have to step out of your comfort zone and talk to others. It may be a small act to you, but it could be the one thing that makes all the difference to someone else.
At my job one summer, we had eight interns working for us. For safety, I tucked the one (tiny) young woman in my office and didn’t make her sit in the work room with the other seven, who were almost all Division 1 football players. A few years later I met her parents at fundraiser. They told me they had thanked my boss of many years for me and hoped they would meet me one day. I had followed the young woman’s career and knew she had taken a job similar to mine following her internship with us. But, I didn’t realize that, prior to coming to share my office, she had no plans, no goals for her life and had been taking dozens and dozens of extra college courses trying to determine what she wanted to do. A little kindness went a long way for her.
I didn’t want to share my office. I didn’t want to have someone in my personal bubble every day, but something had moved me to do so, and it changed the course of her life.
Dear Lord, Give me the patience to wait for your command, the strength and courage to step outside my bubble to speak to others and help share your word. Let me be an example in my ways and a positive light for others in their day. God, lead me through my journey so I may leave a positive impact on others and help those you know need me, whom I may not even be aware of. Thank you, Lord, Amen
Enjoy this song that goes with today’s topic.