Elementary Children
sunday school
Christ Our Shepherd offers the SHINE: Living in God’s Light curriculum for elementary children, PreK to 5th grade. Through music, scripture, Godly play discussion, and activities, kids explore a new Bible story each week. Parent pages are sent home to encourage further exploration as a family.


Christ Our Shepherd is well known for its music programs. Beginning with programs for elementary children, Christ Our Shepherd offers opportunities for children to sing and play instruments. Both of these programs are on Wednesday afternoons.
sKIDdles is a fun way for children to engage with music and movement. Children sing several times in worship throughout the year.
Children learn music basics through handbells, chimes, and singing. Participants perform during worship services several times throughout the year. M&Ms also perform a musical each semester, which offers opportunities to learn drama skills and gain self-confidence while reinforcing Bible stories.
Summer Camp
Lutheroad Day Camp is a favorite summer experience that happens right at Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church.
The theme for 2024 is “God Can!”
Dates for 2024:
June 3-7
Monday to Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Counselors from our Lutheridge, our church camp in North Carolina bring camp on the road to Christ Our Shepherd. Kids going into 1st through 6th grade participate in worship, Bible lessons, games, crafts, and fun. Camp is an awesome opportunity to grow closer to God and friends at church. We usually spend one day at Palmetto Road.
For more informations, contact Ingrid at [email protected].
Registration is available here.
Lutheridge is part of the NovusWay outdoor ministry camps serving the Southeast. Lutheridge (in Arden, NC) offers week long camps for children, teens and families each summer. Christ Our Shepherd encourages kids and families to attend camp and offers some financial support, if needed. To learn more, visit the NovusWay website or contact Ingrid at [email protected] .

vacation bible school
Seekers in Sneakers!
Dates for 2024: June 24-28, 5-7pm
Christ Our Shepherd has a long history of offering a quality vacation Bible school to the surrounding community. Vacation Bible school is available for children entering PreK (4-year-old class) through 6th grade.
Contact Ingrid at [email protected] for information.
If you want to learn more about any of our programs for children, please let us know.