Summer is a time for new adventures.  So join us at Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church for engaging adventures in special worship, camps, and creative serving opportunities.

Connecting in Jesus's pathway of Joy and Life.

  • Praise, popsicles, and pool

  • Hops and Hymns

  • VBS
  • Summer Sack Lunch
  • Lutheroad Day Camp
  • Youth Camp

  • God and Country
  • Youth Sunday
  • Youth Tubing
  • Beatles Liturgy
  • Blessing of the Backpacks
  • Pops for Parents
  • Ladies Game Night


Christ Our Shepherd is engaged in many ways in community service, most significantly in feeding people. We seek to serve locally, regionally and globally.  For more opportunities to connect and serve in COS Ministries and Missions, please click HERE.


Summer Sack Lunch Program
The Summer Sack Lunch Program is an excellent opportunity for families, grandparents, groups and individuals to GIVE BACK to our community. For seven Mondays,  June 6th through July 25th, Christ Our Shepherd will provide sack lunches for children who otherwise might not have a lunch to eat! YOU can help by making sandwiches, packing or delivering lunches to hungry children. YOU can drive a lunch route (Fayette County) for the summer or split it with others. It is extremely rewarding to meet, feed and interact with these families/children each week.
A typical Monday is:
·      Spend 30-45 minutes making and packing lunches and/or
·      Delivering the lunches – takes about an hour.
The summer of 2022, COS provided lunches to 214 children each Monday. Over seven weeks 1504 lunches were packed and delivered to children ages 3-18, 1870 sandwiches were prepared and over 3,000 cookies were baked. Sixteen different drivers/teams covered nine routes for lunch deliveries.
Ways you can help:
  • Join us for as many Mondays as you can between June 5th and July 24th: sandwich making is from 9:00-10:00 and packing bags from 10:00-11:00 in the Fellowship Hall.
  • Donate DRINKS (Capri Sun, Kool Aid Jammers), INDIVIDUALLY PACKAGED VARIETY PACKS OF CHIPS or PUBLIX Gift Cards that will help purchase bread for our sandwiches. Please leave at the display table in the Narthex.
  • Pray for this ministry and these families that they will be nourished with Christ’s love.
Call the office (770-487-8717) for information and to get connected with our
summer lunch coordinator, Ellen Pfundt.
Making Sandwiches at Christ Our Shepherd

small groups - connecting ministries 

CONNECTING MINISTRIES & WEEKLY SMALL GROUPS:  Barbara Anderson [email protected].

Welcome to the season of summer at COS.  Although this is a popular time for travel, we continue to offer opportunities for meaningful and active connections.  Would you like to subscribe to our COS emails? Please click here.

One really wonderful way to CONNECT your mind and spirit is to join a Small Group - this group can be a Fellowship Group such as ROMEOS (Retired Old Men Eating Out) or CANVAS Art Ministry, our casual Wednesday gathering in the Conference Room led by Pastor Miriam, or a G.I.F.T. (Growing in Faith Together) Group which meet both at the church and in homes.  Each week, the Sunday lectionary text is discussed during TEXT TALK which meet on Sundays at 9:45am.     

Small Group


    • TEXT TALK (9:45AM Conference Room) meets every Sunday to discuss the weekly lectionary text.
    • OPEN DOOR (11:00AM Room 214) meets every Sunday for an adult Bible study.

WEDNESDAYS:  Join us at 3pm for a Bible study in a casual small group setting. This group meets in the conference room.

G.I.F.T. (Growing in Faith Together) GROUPS meet regularly to spend time together learning, celebrating, serving, praying, and supporting each other. These groups meet in homes and at church, to foster community, discussion, and relationships. Contact Barbara to connect you with a small group.

children & youth ministry

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: Ingrid Hudson [email protected]

MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH: Ethan Miller  [email protected]

Praise, Popsicles, and Pools - Birth through 5th grade kids and parents will get some fellowship and pool time.  Contact Ingrid at [email protected] for more information.

VBS - Seekers in Sneakers - Our new geo-caching themed VBS is June 24-28, 5-7pm. Check out our VBS page for more information.

Lutheroad Day Camp is hosted each year at Christ Our Shepherd and is from June 2-7 this year.  This day camp is ran by camp counselors from Lutheroad. This day camps for rising 1st through 6th graders.  Click on the button below for the registration form.  Contact Ingrid for more information.

Whitewater Tubing (June 2) in Elijay, GA

National Youth Gathering in New Orleans ( July 15-21) at Lutheridge near Asheville, NC

Youth Sunday ( July 28) Join us at any of the Sunday Services (8:30am, 9:45am, 11:00am)  for Youth Sunday where we highlight our summer missions and retreats with our youth.  

Youth Ministry Kick Off Party for LOGOS/LOFT (August 14th) It’s our annual kickoff party for middle and high school students. We're getting back together as summer winds down and school resumes. Details are still being worked out so stay tuned!

VBSDay Camp