Word from Wiese

Drive-In Hybrid Worship

Drive-In Hybrid Worship!

27 January 2021

Drive-In WorshipReady for a short trivia game on the history of drive-in theaters in the United States? Good luck. (Answers at bottom of this article.)

  1. The Drive-in theater experienced in the U.S. in: A. late 1950s-early 1960s or B. early 1960s-late 1960s?
  2. One of the largest drive-in theaters was the Johnny All-Weather Drive-In. Covering over 29 acres, it could park 2,500 vehicles. It had a full-service restaurant and a trolley system to take children to a playground and a large indoor theater for bad weather or for those who wanted to watch in air-conditioned comfort. Was Johnny’s located in: A. Illinois or B. New York?
  3. According to driveinmovie.com, which country has the largest number of drive-in theaters today? A. Australia. B. United States?

Bonus Question? Does COS offer a Drive-In option? Yes! In case you haven’t heard, we were disappointed that prudence required pausing in-person worship in our Sanctuary for the 11 AM Sunday services. However, like so often throughout this pandemic, we’ve followed the Holy Spirit to turn lemons into lemonade. So here are the FAQs on our own COS drive-in experience, which we will use until the time council/staff advises that we are safe to return to indoor worship:

Where is the drive-in worship service?

The COS parking lot at 101 Peachtree Parkway. We ask that small cars park up front and large trucks and SUVs park in the back to help with good sight-lines for all. Park your vehicle so you can see the “worship stage” in front of the church.

Is there a large screen projecting the service?

No. Unlike the fun we had Christmas Eve, projection is prohibitive during Sunday morning daylight. But you can stream the first half of the service either on your small phone or listen to it on your radio via 91.5 FM. With today’s car batteries, you can turn your car engine off but still enjoy the radio.

Why is the drive service called “hybrid”?

The first half of the traditional 11 AM service broadcast from the Sanctuary is viewed/listed to as explained above. But after the “hymn of the day”, one of the pastors comes out to the “drive-in.” At this time, it’s a “live” service with that pastor leading the Creed, prayers, Holy Communion and the final song.

Do I stay in my car the whole time?

It’s up to you. You certainly can. But since we live (most of us reading this) in beautiful Georgia, the weather might allow you to sit in a lawn chair in front of your car. If you choose to sit/stand outside, we ask you to wear a mask for good measure. Last week, worshipers had a wonderful time dancing to the closing hymn, “Marching in the Light of God.” It’s a good time!

What time should I arrive?

Service starts at 11 AM. So, come a few minutes ahead of time to park. Then pick up your communion packets at the welcome station and you’ll be all set.

Any special twists?

No popcorn like at other drive-ins. But, while some people really miss worshipping inside during this interim, other COS disciples love this option as preferable and have come to this style of “in person” worship whereas they never have come indoors. Furthermore, we’ve been delighted with first time visitors at this drive-in worship option and one couple declaring they’ll be joining COS! That is a neat spirit. We know God will continue to lead all of us.


Friends, one more comment for you in this Word from Wiese: As I noted in my sermon last weekend, many Christians were disturbed to see on January 6 some of the insurrectionists storming the capitol waving “Jesus” banners. How could some Christians feel the destruction, violence and language of that event fall within Jesus’ agenda? One of our new disciples made me aware of the following webinar and I pass it on to you.

Democracy and Faith Under Siege: Responding to Christian Nationalism

Wednesday, January 27, 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Free webinar!

Click here to Register

What does Christian nationalism look like in our world today? How can we respond when we see our faith and democracy under siege?

Join a timely conversation on these issues with:

  • The Most Rev. Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church
  • The Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  • Dr. Andrew Whitehead, Associate Professor of Sociology at Indiana University Purdue University-Indianapolis
  • Moderator: Amanda Tyler, executive director of BJC (Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty).


Finally, you didn’t think we’d forget about the trivia answers?! Good luck!


  1. The drive-in’s peak popularity came in the late 1950s and early 1960s, particularly in rural areas, with over 4,000 drive-ins spread across the United States in 1958.
  2. The largest drive-in theater was located in Copiague, New York.
  3. While the United States has by far the largest number of drive-ins still in operation (about 325), other have drive-ins as well. Canada has the second largest population of operating drive-ins with about 50. Australia is third with about 15.