This group is currently on hiatus. Don't let the name fool you! CANVAS means a lot more than painting on a canvas! Explore your artistic abilities in this fun art ministry fellowship group. No previous artistic skills are required for this kind of creating and supplies are provided. Every first Monday of the month, the fun […]
COS Camping Weekend – Join us!
Camping Ministry's Spring 2025 Adventure: Friday, April 25 - Saturday, April 26 at R Shaefer Heard Campground We worship together at the Common area, site & time TBD. Cuisine: Italian with a Star Wars Theme Group Site: TBD Calling all campers! Maybe you've been camping for years. Or maybe you've always dreamed of getting into […]
ROMEOs. What on earth is THIS group all about? Are you RETIRED? OLD? Are you a MAN who likes to EAT OUT?? Well then, have we got just the group for you!! This group is exactly what it sounds like and it sounds like fun! Besides eating and socializing, this group occasionally features special speakers […]
COS Book Club
The COS Book Club has been gathering for more than 20 years! The group gathers on the second Thursday of each month and are always excited to welcome new readers! Join us on Thursday, November 12th in the Conference Room on the main level. The upcoming selection is Consider the Women - A Provocative Guide […]
Sarah Circle
Sarah Circle is a women's fellowship group that meet each month. Bring your own beverage, we will provide some prepackaged pick-up desserts. The meeting will require everyone to follow safety guidelines which include wearing a mask. Hand sanitizers will be available and the chairs will be spread out at a minimum of 6 feet.
Mid-week Advent Meal & Activities
Unwrapping the Names of Jesus December 4th, following the Wednesday night dinner, we will explore the names of Jesus with an interactive, inter-generational Advent worship. There will be stations set-up throughout the Fellowship Hall and classrooms offering a variety of activities suitable for everyone. Join us for Tacos, Sides and Brownies at 5:30pm with the […]
Thanksgiving Eve Chili Supper & Hymn Sing
Our annual Thanksgiving Chili Supper and Worship Service. On Wednesday, join for fun and fellowship with others. At 6:00pm, we will enjoy crockpots of homemade chili with salads, sides and desserts. Then at 6:45pm, we will have a "Hymn Sing." What a great opportunity to bring family and friends from out of town and enjoy […]
Outdoor Worship at Palmetto Road
Outdoor Worship at Palmetto Road “Detective Days” Our annual outdoor worship service at Palmetto Road is just around the corner. Bring a chair and come worship outdoors with friends and family. Sandra and the Reformers will lead us in music. Following the service will be our potluck meal. Bring a side dish or dessert; the […]
HOPS & HYMNS @ Line Creek Brewing Co.
Community Fellowship Event, ALL are Welcome! Come share a song and a drink with old and new friends! COS is hosting another HOPS & HYMNS again at Line Creek Brewing Co in PTC. Invite your friends and bring your families for a great time of fellowship and song. Don't forget to eat before you come […]