Fruitful Life Lenten Devotions

Gentleness – March 18, 2021

Amanda HodgesGentleness Fruitful Living Devotion Series
March 18, 2021
“Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.”—Philippians 4:5
As a little girl, our church would often have Sunday night services made up almost entirely of hymns. “Just as I Am” was a favorite. As the congregation sang, “Oh, Lamb of God, I come…I come,” a quiet hush settled over us all. There was another praise song I loved, too. One of my early memories is of my Mama sitting at our piano, playing and singing “Greater Is He that is In Me” as I warbled along: “Satan’s like a roaring lion, roaming to and fro, seeking whom he may devour, the Bible tells me so.” As a child, I didn’t understand why evil would be a strong predator, the king of the beasts, and utter goodness would be a baby sheep! How could that work?
One day, my great-grandmother came to stay for a couple of days, and my little heart knew I could ask her anything. “Why, of course Jesus is a lamb, darlin’! He doesn’t need to look scary or have sharp teeth. He’s the Son of God and can do whatever he wants, not like a silly lion that only pretends to be strong! Isn’t it wonderful that Jesus wants to be sweet and loving and to urge us to get as close as can be?”
In today’s world, so often it seems like the loudest and pushiest rule the roost. After all, we equate success to being at the top, to being in command. From the sharp words exchanged with friends or family to the meanness rife on social media or the violence that erupts in our homes, on our streets, or in our schools, so many people think the answer is shouting, shoving, and intimidating their way past the competition.
But Jesus topples that model of leadership. He comes to us as a lamb, and He urges us to listen to the woman at the well, to coax Zacchaeus down from the tree, to quietly tend to others’ hurts like the Good Samaritan, to kneel and wash one another’s feet, and to know that because we are His, we can rest in his strength instead of trying to put on a tough front.
Father, thank you for the patience and love you pour out for your people. Draw me close to you and fill me with your peace so I can share your kindness to those you bring into my life. Remind me that my worth isn’t in my accomplishments, that I’m surrounded by fellow travelers, not competitors, and that your love shows us that gentleness is real strength.