Word from Wiese

God’s Work, Our Hands

God’s Work, Our Hands

8 September 2021

How would you describe what it means to be a Lutheran?

In the first 10 seconds of response, one might hear the following descriptors: Jesus’ welcome, grace, great music, Martin Luther, law and gospel, no more indulgences or works-righteousness, word and sacrament, or preachers with corny jokes. But lately, one might also associate Lutheranism with “God’s Work, Our Hands,” a phrase that captures our belief that in celebrating our freedom through Christ, we joyfully lean into God’s desire to use each of us to share resurrection life through service to neighbor.

  • In fact, all 4 million ELCA Lutherans in their 9,000+ congregations are rallying nationwide for the “God’s Work, Our Hands” initiative this weekend! Whether it’s this Sunday, this weekend, next week, or even next month at a time that works for you, there are so many ways you can participate in a way that makes sense for your schedule and abilities.
  • Here are serving projects underway that you can easily join:
  • Help some COS seniors with easy tasks at their homes. Contact Linda Volckmann at [email protected] for more info.
  • Write a letter of encouragement to one of the three children COS sponsors in Haiti. Contact Barbara Anderson at [email protected] for a helpful guide in writing your note.Join the 25 COS folks working on the “Helping Home” project in Newnan, which means rehabbing a home that will house two different families getting back on their feet after last March’s tornado. Contact Mary Brunso at [email protected] for more info.
  • Join Pastor Miriam on this Sunday, 2-4 PM at church for “Encouragement Fest.” She’ll have letters, envelopes and postage ready to go for you to write a note of encouragement to a COS friends you haven’t seen at church in a while or anyone you think could use a bit of a lift. [email protected]
  • Enjoy fresh air, the rev of machinery, and the joy of seeing the immediate results of your efforts by claiming a turn on the COS lawn-mowing team at church. Contact Linda Volckmann at [email protected] for more info.
  • Join our high schoolers in writing letters and making care packages for our COS college students. Contact Melissa Jacobson at [email protected] for more info.
  • Sign up for the Two Sparrows Village (supporting housing for adults with autism) fundraiser Oct. 22. Twosparrowsvillage.org

Other serving projects that might right for YOU:

  • Ask a senior citizen in your neighborhood if there is anything you can do to help them.
  • Write a letter of encouragement and thanks to your family’s teacher, neighborhood principal, letter carrier, fire-fighter, etc.
  • Clean up a section of the golf-cart pathway or a street in your neighborhood.
  • Call Bishop Strickland in our synod office to thank him and the staff for their ministry. 404-589-1977.
  • Check with your local school to see if there’s an easy project you can handle for them. (One COS group is planting a garden for Crabapple Elementary, for instance.)
  • Enact a serving opportunity you’ve been meaning to do for a while.
  • Activate a unique project that God puts into your mind which you know is just right for you, your family, or small group.

I get excited thinking about 4 million faithful Lutherans in action this weekend: 4 million faithful Lutherans spreading “joy and life,” 4 million faithful Lutherans, in all sorts of projects, celebrating our “God’s Work, Our Hands” lifestyle.

May God bless YOU as you activate the serving option that’s best for you.

In Christ’s hope,
Pastor Fritz