Dewey Patrick

March 11, 2021
“Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
Psalms 23:6 NIV
What is goodness? Take a moment to remember a loving hug, holding your child or grandchild, visiting a friend, relative, loved one, delivering food or items to a person in need, learning together, grieving together, a touch, tastes, smells, a butterfly, a tree, singing, worship, baptism, and mission relief experiences. Please add your own experiences.
What is not good? After 60+ years, I know that bad experiences happen when I put my interests above others’ interests. Even worse experiences happen when I cause others to suffer. My bad experiences are hard to forget and to forgive.
God gives us the extravagant freedom to choose good and not good. Our choices do follow us for life. Who will I choose to be my friend? to date? to marry? How will I use my mind, my work, my time? Who, where, or what will I choose to worship?
I am so thankful for Christ Our Shepherd where I have friends who are a priesthood of believers focusing on God’s abundant love. As a part of a COSL small group, my wife and I shared a multitude of life’s goodness “together.” Here is a place where there is love, listening, patience, empathy, and. above all, goodness.
Today, what choice will we make that will result in goodness?
O Lord, thank you for loving us! I know that your goodness and love will follow me for the rest of my life and I will dwell in God’s house forever. Amen.