Word from Wiese

Greater Than > With Jesus

Greater Than > With Jesus

January 6, 2021

Any of you planning to go to a rock concert this month? Me, neither. Just a bit more of pandemic paralysis. (Hopefully, this summer!) In our gospel stories, John the Baptist was the first rock star. A pulse of people from country and city alike were flocking out to John’s wilderness for his baptism experience of repentance.

But John pulled a little math on the crowds. Do you remember these symbols from elementary school? X > Y = x is greater than y. X < Y = x is less than y. As part of John’s concert, he sings out that despite the fervor folks might feel for him, someone is coming who is even greater than he is! Jesus > John. John says he isn’t worthy to untie Jesus’ sandals because Jesus’ baptism > John’s baptism. Jesus’ power to connect them to God’s hope > John’s best efforts.

John sticks to his song. In John 3:30, Jesus is on the move. John makes it clear to his disciples, “Jesus must increase, but I must decrease.” What’s cool is that John doesn’t offer this formula as an exercise in self-humiliation or low self-esteem. On the contrary, when John sees Jesus coming on the stage so people can hear his song of hope and salvation, John says “my joy has been fulfilled!” (John 3:29)

So, John’s math formula is clear. John’s joy with Jesus > John’s joy without Jesus! Same is true for us as we enter this new year. Yes, I’ll join you in a bunch of resolutions and goals. But let’s remember, we take on each of them so that, to use John’s language, Jesus’ influence may increase on the world stage and in our daily lives alike. Because, for each of us, OUR joy with Jesus in our daily goals and attitudes >, much >, our joy when we follow other pathways than Jesus’.

Action Items:

  1. This Sunday is the “Baptism of Our Lord.” Jesus instructs us to be baptized too. To celebrate, at the end of our services, we’ll be showing a montage of COS kids—of ALL ages—at their baptisms. Please send a picture of YOU or your family members to [email protected] to be included. Deadline: Tonight, Wednesday at 7 PM.
  2. Today is Epiphany. Just as the magi were instructed in a dream to not visit Herod, but use “another road,” so too COS is using “another road” for the in-person aspect of our worship life in January. Please see my separate letter about this.
  3. Since it’s Epiphany today, enjoy this special musical selection.

Please enjoy We Three Kings, from our Contemporary Worship Leaders, Sandra Bohlken and Bill Porter.


Heavenly Father, help me remember, feel, and embrace your love. As you said to Jesus upon his baptism, “This is my beloved child with whom I’m well pleased,” remind me to say that blessing for me as well. Shake me when I forget that my joy following you is always > on my own. In Jesus’ name, Amen.