Word from Wiese



18 August 2021

Dear Friends in Faith,

Oh my gosh. Which world issue of concern should this WFW highlight? The heart-breaking chaos in Afghanistan? The Haiti earthquake bringing more death and homelessness followed by tropical storm Grace?

HelpThe wait times in our local hospital emergency rooms and continued deaths, sickness and worries around the Delta variant of the coronavirus? The fires out in the American west, the storms moving up the southeast, or the other world weather events that cause us to worry, as Pastor Miriam pointed out in her sermon, that cause our worry about global climate change to run deeper? Or several other issues you could enumerate? Lord, have mercy!

This weekend, worship will feature a version of the Beatles Liturgy as organized by David Beecher and Sandra Bohlken. One of the Beatles 1965 hits is “HELP!” Actually, “help” is a plea the Psalms lift up over 80 times. So, whether 55 years or 2500+ years ago, throughout the ages, God’s people have always recognized that, in so many life situations, we must turn to the Lord for true help.

Would you join me, for a few moments as you read this, in asking for the Lord’s mercy, grace, and HELP for our world?

Dear heavenly Father, we love you and thank you for loving us–knowing that “us” includes me, my family, my enemies, and your whole creation world-wide.

  • Please HELP, O Lord, those in Haiti who have lost homes, health, or loved ones because of the recent earthquake. Psalm 46 says that even if the mountains fall into the sea, you will stand by us. So, stand by our friends in Haiti, especially Maya and our HTF ministry partners, as you use them as agents of help and hope.
  • Please HELP, O Lord, the situation in Afghanistan. As you guarded the terrified disciples in the storm of Galilee, calm the chaos in Afghanistan and bring safety. Turn the hearts of the Taliban, that they too would turn their swords into plowshares (Isaiah 2.4)and work for the good of all their neighbors.
  • In the days of Moses, you gave the people the chance to mark their doorposts with lamb’s blood so Death would Pass Over. In these days, may you lead people to take advantage of vaccines and masks when appropriate so that this pandemic scourge would pass over them and be brought to submission so we could move into the freedom of your “promised land.”
  • As Jesus told us not to worry, taking heart that you care for each of us far more even than the birds of the air, (Matt. 6) help all of us who battle anxiety, worry, or loneliness to take heart and find peace, especially our young people who begin new school years and life situations.

In the name of the One who joined us in the storm, the battle, the sickness, and the stress, our wonderful Help and Hope, Jesus the Risen Christ, Amen.

Two final notes:

  1. Haiti. So many of you have asked how you can help. The good news is that our friend Maya Fond Rose, Haitian director of HTF, says all our partners are OK. The special home for young adults with autism and other challenges, Wings of Hope, is on the southern side of the island (Jacmel), near the earthquake’s epicenter. But, praise God, all OK. I will work hard this week to record a Zoom conversation with Maya and share that with you next week. Some of you want to know how to give financially as you are already praying; I’ll look into that question and report next week.
  2. YOU are HELP. While the opportunities for despair seem so widespread, so are the opportunities for YOU TO HELP right where God has positioned you today! Good news! Enjoy these encouraging pictures below. (Thanks Linda Volckmann!). Each one tells a mini-story of HURT followed by HELP, A CRISIS responded to with CARE. And I can’t wait to share another story for you in the sermon this Sunday. Remember this week, COS is a “God’s Work, Our Hands” movement, so look for those places each day where you can surely make someone’s life a bit brighter.

In Christ’s hope,
Pastor Fritz