Word from Wiese

I Need Your Help

I Need Your Help

Word From Wiese

4 October 2023

multiplyingDear WFW reader,

I need your help!

In weeks ahead, we’ll be exploring the call/hope/possibility of multiplying love.

In Genesis 1.28, we read how God instructed Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and multiply.”  But what if that command referred to not only descendants, but love?   What if God’s assumption was that God’s children would share the good fruit of life by multiplying love in all kinds of expressions, children and caring commitments alike?

Here’s how you can help me:  Take a moment before this Friday at 5 PM to email me ([email protected]) with one example you see of God multiplying love through Christ Our Shepherd.  Maybe it’s something that happens in or around our congregation.  Maybe your thought focuses on how COS is used by our Lord out in the world.  Either way, I’ll be grateful for how YOU multiply and magnify the pastors’ thinking on this topic by sharing your insights.

Thanks so much in advance!

Reflecting with you,

Pastor Fritz

Let us pray: 

Dear God, in a world that is often so divisive, we’re grateful for how you multiply love and life.  Jesus multiplying one lunch of fish and loaves is just one example.   Use each of us to be multiplying factors in your plan with those around us.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.