Getting to Know a New Friend & Leader: Ingrid Hudson,
New Interim Director of Children & Family Ministry
September 23, 2020
Today, I’m delighted to use my weekly article to share a little interview that helps you to get to know better the new COS Interim Director of Children & Family Ministry, Ingrid Hudson.
PF: Ingrid, we are just thrilled that you accepted our offer to serve as the Interim Director of Children & Family Ministry at COS, serving up to 20 hours each week. Besides the pastors hounding you to serve and share your gifts, why did you accept the position?
IH: I accepted the position because I wanted to serve God within my community. I knew that with my education background, love of children, and strong faith, I could make “lemonade” out of this crazy time we are living in. Although my position is virtual for the time being, I want to make meaningful relationships with the children and families of COS. What a joy it will be to be together again!
PF: Ingrid, I know you have a beautiful family. Tell us about them.
IH: Thank you for the compliment Pastor Fritz! Anyone I talk to learns very quickly that family is so very important to me. I know this question was referring to my immediate family, but I have to start with my parents and sisters. I have 5 sisters and no brothers. My sisters are truly my best friends. Although we are scattered around the country, we still speak weekly, if not daily. My parents have their hands full with my sisters, our spouses, and 11 grandchildren. Somehow, my parents are able to make each one of us feel special and loved on a daily basis. Dean is my wonderful husband whom I met 10 years ago. We were married in 2013 and had our reception at Dean’s family peach farm near Warm Springs, Georgia. Several years later, we welcomed Brooks who is now 4 (he is asking that I tell you is he almost 5!). Shortly after that, we welcomed Larson who is now 3. My boys are my pride and joy and certainly my greatest blessing. We moved to Peachtree City one year ago to be closer to Dean’s family farm. Dean’s parents, Honey and Pop as we lovingly call them, along with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law as well as our “farm cousins” provide endless love, laughter, and support. I am truly blessed!
PF: With Brooks and Larson, you have a front row seat observing how children interpret the Christian faith. What’s one lesson they have taught you that you wanted to bring to your approach with all the COS kids and families?
IH: Brooks and Larson have taught me so much, but what comes to mind is how naturally in-tune children are spiritually. For example, just tonight, Brooks said to me, “Mama, God must be big and small, because he has to take care of the whole world, but he also has to take care of me.” I think it is a good reminder that, as we talk to our children about God throughout the day and week–not just on Sunday 😊, we will learn just as much as they do!
PF: At COS we’ve always stressed how faith at home is even more impactful than learning faith at church. What’s one thing your family loves to do at home as you follow Jesus together?
IH: One of my favorite quotes is from Mother Teresa, “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” This is something that I am very passionate about! I grew up attending church at Peace Lutheran in Beavercreek, Ohio, every Sunday and Sunday School each week. We also attended Wednesday fellowship dinners and small groups. These things are so very important! However, as I stated on Sunday, faith formation truly starts at home, not only in our words and prayers, but in our actions towards one another. I think it is important to keep things simple and have some routines too. For example, I try to really “use” our car rides together. Sometimes we put on a kids’ Christian Pandora station and sing with the windows rolled down. Other times I ask a question like “how were you the hands and feet of God today in your school?” “What do you mean Mama?!” and so the discussion goes on. Of course, we have special prayers at mealtimes, but nighttime in our family is a special prayer time too. There is something about a calming, dark room that makes praying feel so natural. I sing the Lord’s Prayer to the boys each night, then we quietly see if we can remember all the prayers we wrote in our prayer box (we created those in Virtual Sunday School this week and I have more to share!) Finally, music! I use Pandora and basically walk around the house with a Bluetooth speaker. Whether it’s my old Psalty CDs (please let me know if you know who Psalty is!), “Blessed Assurance” played to an upbeat tempo, or piano hymns playing as my children fall asleep, music can be so powerful!
PF: Why did you visit Christ Our Shepherd when you moved to Georgia? And why did you keep coming back?
IH: We visited Christ our Shepherd because attending a Lutheran church was important to me. One of my favorite church memories was when I moved to Georgia in 2012 after meeting Dean. I was homesick! I knew I wanted to attend a Lutheran church and the only Lutheran church in McDonough, Georgia, was St. Luke Lutheran church. At the time, it was so small that it was in a store front next to a Kroger. But after stepping foot in the door, and hearing the music/liturgy, I felt at home. That “coming home” feeling was even stronger at Christ our Shepherd because I have connections to the Wiese family from both Ohio and Camp Luther. It really is a small world!
PF: Some people have asked about the word “interim” in your title. What would you want people to know about that?
IH: The pastors and I used the term “interim” simply because we are living in such a time of uncertainty. I spent last year teaching preschool at my boys’ school and had every intention of returning this fall. However, due to COVID those plans had to change and God led me down another path at Christ our Shepherd. One thing I can say with certainly is that I feel called to this position. I truly hope to help and guide families and I know that I will feel strengthened by others at the same time!
PF: Ingrid, is there one thing above the others that you would want our children to know about the ministry opportunities coming up?
IH: I want to provide the children and families of COS a simple way to continue Sunday School in a virtual setting at home. With the click of a button on our Children and Family Facebook page, I am providing a pre-recorded Sunday School lesson each week using a fun and engaging curriculum called Simply Loved. I am also providing materials that can be picked up at the church or even delivered to your home. This will be one lesson each week that families can do together no matter the age of your child (grades pre-k through 5th grade). I’m also hoping to bring back some Wednesday night programming via Zoom!
PF: And how about same question for parents. What else do you want them to know?
IH: I’m hoping for a virtual group for parents of children birth-5th grade to check in on one another during this time of uncertainty. If the group chooses, we can focus on a specific Bible study or simply use this time for virtual fellowship.
PF: Ingrid, after watching the introductory video you shared on Sunday, my heart really leapt with joy about the faithfulness, zest, and creativity you are going to bring to this position. In case people missed the video, the link is below. You are going to be such a blessing to Jesus’ ministry here at COS. Thanks so much for answering the Spirit’s call and for your courageous willingness to let God use you for our benefit.
IH: Thanks!
PF: Final question. Tell us one fun fact about you.
IH: I lived in Hawaii for two years as a child. . . . but that’s probably another interview.