Word from Wiese


Intentionality about boosting others.Janet Word from Wiese

That’s one example of why so many experienced Janet Stronach such a captivating and impactful sister in Christ.  While a sudden infection took her life two weeks ago, Janet had already composed her New Year’s Resolutions.

As we prepared for Janet’s Celebration of Life last Friday, the family suggested that we could provide copies of the resolutions to worshipers.  So we did.  We actually started the service by reading all ten and suggested that since Janet could no longer carry out her intentions, each of us could choose one and accomplish it in Janet’s honor.

Please read Janet’s list for yourself. First, I’m blown away by her lovely hand-writing.   No issues with 87 year old hands for Janet!  Secondly, notice how each one centers on encouraging others or appreciating life.

Might there be one of Janet’s resolutions that speaks to you today?  Might you follow through on it in Janet’s honor?   Does one of these resolutions inspire you today to take on your own goal of lifting up somebody else?   You’ll make the world a kinder, lovelier and more Christ-like world if you, just like Janet did.

Since Janet lived such a unique life, being born in Scotland and traveling the world, we had fun with Janet’s funeral sermon.  Here’s a link if you’d like to watch it.

Watch Janet Stronach’s Funeral Sermon

Like many of you, a friend of Janet’s,

Pastor Fritz

Let us pray. O God of grace and glory, we remember before you today our sister Janet, and all our family members, friends, and models of faith who have gone before us. We thank you for giving them to us to know and to love as companions in our pilgrimage on earth. In your boundless compassion, console us who mourn. Give us faith to see that death has been swallowed up in the victory of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that we may live in confidence and hope until, by your call, we are gathered to our heavenly home in the company of all your saints; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.