Pastor Fritz

22 February 2021
“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Galatians 5.22
It seems I’m constantly learning about new possibilities with my “gadgets.” My kids taught me that if I swipe up on the bottom of my cell phone, I can see a control panel and turn on a flashlight super quickly. Fiddling around with my Zoom screen, I realized I can adjust what—and who—I’m seeing. A few months ago, I discovered that a navigation screen is an option on my car’s dashboard.
Sometimes I feel a bit embarrassed that it took me so long to discover how something worked. But overall, delight in the new possibility trumps my embarrassment.
Here’s an exciting feature of Christian life that many Christians may not know: The Holy Spirit resides within us. Yes, God’s Spirit is pulsing all throughout the creation. But Scripture tells us that, in a special way, God’s Spirit exists in each of us as part of who we’ve become in baptism. Here’s how St. Paul put it in Romans 8.11, “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also throughhis Spirit that dwells in you.”
Apparently, God’s “owner manual” declares that the Holy Spirit in us drives Jesus followers to “bear fruit,” offering delight and nourishment to those around us. As people struggle with the world’s arguing, criticism, and division, how refreshing and encouraging when they see each of us bring to life God’s fruits like kindness, gentleness, and generosity.
As I write this, I’m gazing at the Christmas cactus my wife, LuAnne, keeps in our kitchen. What amazement and delight we experience seeing it bloom dazzling pink flowers. I can’t explain it. How does it work? Despite the mystery, I’m so appreciative God designed the Christmas cactus to bloom. Likewise, despite the mystery, how cool that the Holy Spirit desires to improve the world through each of us! I’m looking forward to learning more about “Fruitful Living” as I get to read your daily devotionals, watch the Wednesday testimonials, and participate in my Fruit Group Wednesday nights.
Looking forward to FRUITFUL Lenten insights with you,
Pastor Fritz
Let us pray. Dear God, I’m always learning about how things work in life, my computer, my finances, my car. May you help me learn more this Lenten season about how the Holy Spirit uses my daily life to make the world a better place with “fruitful living.” In Jesus’ name, Amen.