Logos - Middle School
Our LOGOs youth group for middle schoolers includes confirmation class designed for students in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. All three grades meet weekly during the school year on Wednesday evenings. During the three-year class students become better acquainted with the Bible and learn Lutheran history, traditions, and the working of the church. Our lessons come from Luther’s Small Catechism and are taught by both pastors and the Director of Youth and Family Ministry. Wednesday nights start with a large group lesson in the sanctuary and finish with small groups. Each grade level meets together with its small group leader.

Summer Camp with Youth Group
All middle school students are invited to attend summer camp in the North Carolina mountains in June. Lutherock and Lutheridge offer week-long summer camps where students stay in cabins with college-age camp counselors. Confirmation lessons are taught in the morning, and the afternoon is spent hiking, caving, going on the challenge tower, and much more. This is a week not to miss!

Youth Service & Fun!
Our middle school students get together at least once a month. Sometimes we go tubing or bowling, or we have a weekend retreat. Other times, we go out into the community to serve those in need. Youth group service activities have included:
- Serving at the soup kitchen
- Helping at Bloom Closet
- Working at Open Hand Atlanta
- Assisting with the Special Olympics
- Planting flowers and delivering them to elderly members
Whether we are serving together or being silly together, we always have fun!
If you want to learn more about our programs for middle school youth, please let us know.