Word from Wiese

Mysterious Lights

Mysterious Lights

Word from Wiese

15 May 2024

Northern LightsWere you one of the lucky ones who gazed in amazement Friday night at the northern lights?

I wasn’t.

Apparently, neither LuAnne nor I read or listened to the right media which encouraged folks to look up in the skies Friday night for this astounding natural phenomenon, spectacular up north let alone to dazzle way down in Georgia.   Rats.  Dismayed at missing out, I got up at 4:30 AM Sunday morning since weather forecasters indicated that might offer a chance for another light show.  But no luck.

That aurora borealis light show got people talking for sure.   Sort of like the light show we’ll be celebrating at church this Sunday:  Pentecost.  Not long after Jesus’ ascension, the disciples were gathered together, when the wind picked up and all of sudden they could see dazzling lights above each other.

Apparently, last Saturday’s light show was caused be the sun.   Solar storms create disturbances to Earth’s magnetic fields.    The Pentecost light show was created by the S-o-n.   For Jesus promised his followers that he would not abandon them but send them the Advocate, the Holy Spirit.    And true to Jesus’ word, the wind—and the lights!—showed up.

Let me toss out two other quick parallels between these solar and spiritual phenomenon for your consideration:

  1. First, an aurora borealis showing up in Georgia got our community talking! So too at Pentecost, the flames of light empowered people to talk.  The disciples were gifted to share the good news of Jesus with people they didn’t know, some of whom were from different cultures and skin tones.   How about us?   Are we willing to talk to others, outside our immediate circles about Jesus and what the Lord has meant to us?  When’s the last time we’ve asked God for help to gently share our faith and this “good news” with others?
  2. Secondly, scientists indicate that the northern lights are occurring at all times but are not always visible.    Do you share my belief that that’s true for us, as well?  The Holy Spirit is with us all the time.  So why don’t I “see” or “feel” God working in my life all the time?   No easy answers.  Maybe I’m not paying attention enough.  Maybe I’m sleeping already or not looking up, so to speak, like last Saturday night.  Or maybe God’s activity isn’t dependent on my feelings or perceptions.  But like those first disciples, when the Spirit shows up, mysteriously and unannounced, I want to be ready to accept God’s gift. I’m willing to be interrupted.  I want to smile and enjoy the dazzling presence of God.  In turn, I want to agree to the Lord’s prompting to talk to others and share the good news.  I want to say yes to the movement started by the S-o-n and be open to where it leads.

You’re invited to come this Sunday to worship at Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church (or find a church where you live out-of-town readers) when we’ll continue to enjoy talking about all the wonderful light shows the Lord offers.

Until then, here are some quick Pentecost experiences.

  • Come to the COS Film Festival, Part 1, tonight from 6-8 PM in the Fellowship Hall as we show the first two episodes of The Chosen, the story of Jesus that is helping so many connect in a neat way. It’s a great time, like those first disciples, to invite a friend to know more about the story of grace.
  • Use this link to share how the Lord is using you as part of God’s Pentecost Pulse. We want to both celebrate and catalogue how COS folks are shining light out in the world locally, regionally, and globally.   Help neighbors by mowing their lawn?  Serve as a tutor or coach?  Participate in home builds after storms?  Share gifts on a board or action team?  Share what you’re up to via this link or fill out a red flame post-it Sunday morning at the display outside the sanctuary.
  • Finally, don’t forget to bring a marker! On Sunday morning, the sanctuary will be open and all are invited, (now that the carpet is removed and before the new flooring is installed) to cover the foundation with Scripture verses and prayers for how the Lord might use this holy space in the decades ahead.

Dazzled by the light with you,

Pastor Fritz

“When the day of Pentecost had come, [the apostles] were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.

Acts 2