New Chapters: Hope in Co-Authoring Life Stories with God
Week 5: God’s Plan
2024 Lenten Journey
20 March 2024
Dear Faith Friend,
This Lenten season, as you know from COS emails, our series is entitled “New Chapters: Hope in Coauthoring Our Life Stories with God.” God’s Word tells us that “for everything there is a season,” which means that new chapters inevitably come as both challenge and opportunity. Just like new verses carry a song, grand stories are written with new chapters. Through them all, God is faithful.
There are several new chapters we’re facing specifically at COS in addition to life in general. And it’s important that we talk about them, growing in perspective through the insights of others and being together.
You can call together your own New Chapter “chapter” or join one of these:
- Pastor Fritz: Wednesdays at 7 PM via Zoom. (Meeting ID: 892 0262 2093. Passcode: newchapter.)
- Nancy Shepack: Wednesdays at 5 PM in Conference Room.
- Pastor Miriam: Wednesdays at 3 PM in Conference Room.
- Ellen Pfundt: Thursday evenings.
- Dean Hudson: Fridays at 6 AM via Zoom with men.
- Ingrid Hudson: “New Chapters Chat” with moms, Wednesdays.
- Barbara Anderson: Wednesdays at 7 PM in Room 210.
- Pastor Miriam: Wednesdays at 7 PM in Conference Room.
- Open Door Sunday Discussion Group, Sundays at 11 AM in Room 214.
- One that YOU might start! Call Barbara Anderson for updated list of groups and help with starting a group on your own.
Secondly, enjoy this video, which will also be featured in tonight’s 25-minute Holden Song Prayer Lenten service in the Sanctuary at 6:30 PM.
Thirdly, if you’d like to review Sunday’s sermon, upon which some of these questions are based, watch here.
Discussion Guide #5
New Chapters: In God’s Plan (Jesus’ New Covenant)
Pastor Fritz Wiese
“To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3.11
- THANKS EVERYONE for making time to be part of what God is doing in our “New Chapters” Lenten Series.
- Thank you, leader, for pulling this New Chapters “chapter” together.
Opening prayer:
Thanks, God, for gathering us together for these fun and holy 30 minutes. We’re grateful that you promise to guide us in all chapters of our life stories. Send your Holy Spirit upon us in these moments, leading us to new life-giving perspectives and convictions about our stories with you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
1. Warm up: How did you first start taking communion at church? Were you part of a class at some point? Did you start when you joined COS?
2. In his sermon on Sunday, Pastor Fritz showed a map of the Jerusalem temple during Jesus’ day. While a very beautiful and important place, the temple mount also ended up being a site of many “fences” whereby certain people could only go so far. For instance, there was the Courtyard of Gentiles, Courtyard for Women, Courtyard for Israel (for Jewish men who had no deformities), Courtyard of Priests, and finally the Temple with the Holy of Holies. In contrast, Jesus declares his new covenant is for “all people.” Talk about the difference you see here.
3. The sermon shared a story about a graveyard for Catholics only. At first, the priest allowed a non-Catholic to be buried close-by, but just outside the fence. But then the priest changed his mind. He ended up moving the whole fence so that the non-Catholic could be “included” as well. How is the Christian faith a movement of moving fences to include more people? Where has the church failed? Where has the church succeeded?
4. According to Luke 22, on the night of the Jewish Passover, when it came time to share the traditional cup of the feast, Jesus said, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.” How would you summarize the “old” covenant and what does Jesus mean by the “new” covenant? What’s the big difference?
5. Why is Jesus called the Lamb of God? Can someone try to explain how this term for Jesus connects with the Old Testament story of the 10th Plague when Moses is getting ready to lead the Hebrews out of Egyptian slavery into freedom? (Good luck!)
6. What is powerful about communion for you?
7. Some of our COS youngsters are finishing their First Communion classes. We’ll rejoice with them at Easter when they join the faith family with bread and wine on Easter. If you were one of their teachers, how would you explain the importance of communion to them?
8. Last week’s new chapter highlighted Jesus’ New Command. It changes one’s daily agenda if you define a successful day not by how much money you’ve made or people you’ve impressed, but by how much love you’ve shown and celebrated. How can Jesus’ New Covenant similarly be a “new chapter” for your mindset about life?
9. You’ve done an impressive job so far with some very broad questions. Tell each other “good job!”
10. As we close our Lenten journey and move to Holy Week, what are some take-aways for you in these five weeks of discussion about New Chapters? What’s an insight you heard from someone else that still sticks with you?
Closing Prayer:
Dear Lord, thanks again for these holy moments with friends in Christ this Lent. Thanks for reminding us that you are with us, for us, and willing to co-author each and every new chapter of our wonderful stories, and that, in you, we have constant hope and help. Lead us into a meaningful Holy Week as we follow Jesus’ journey to the table, the cross and . . . the empty tomb. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Thanks everyone!
Have a blessed Holy Week