New Chapters: Hope in Co-Authoring Life Stories with God
Week 2: Life
2024 Lenten Journey
28 February 2024
Dear Faith Friend,
This Lenten season, as you know from COS emails, our series is entitled “New Chapters: Hope in Coauthoring Our Life Stories with God.” God’s Word tells us that “for everything there is a season,” which means that new chapters inevitably come as both challenge and opportunity. Like new verses carry a song, grand stories are written with new chapters. Through them all, God is faithful.
There are several new chapters we’re facing specifically at COS in addition to life in general. And it’s important that we talk about them, growing in perspective through the insights of others and being together.
You can call together your own New Chapter “chapter” or join one of these:
- Pastor Fritz: Wednesdays at 7 PM via Zoom. (Meeting ID: 892 0262 2093. Passcode: newchapter.)
- Nancy Shepack: Wednesdays at 5 PM in Conference Room.
- Pastor Miriam: Wednesdays at 3 PM in Conference Room.
- Ellen Pfundt: Thursday evenings.
- Dean Hudson: Fridays at 6 AM via Zoom with men.
- Ingrid Hudson: “New Chapters Chat” with moms, Wednesdays.
- Barbara Anderson: Wednesdays at 7 PM in Room 210.
- Pastor Miriam: Wednesdays at 7 PM in Conference Room.
- Open Door Sunday Discussion Group, Sundays at 11 AM in Room 214.
- One that YOU might start! Call Barbara Anderson for updated list of groups and help with starting a group on your own.
Secondly, enjoy a faith testimony from Chip Zimmerman about New Chapters in Life, which will also be featured in tonight’s 25-minute Holden Song Prayer Lenten service in the Sanctuary at 6:30 PM.
Thirdly, if you’d like to review Sunday’s sermon, upon which some of these questions are based, watch here.
Discussion Guide #2
New Chapters: In Life
Pastor Fritz Wiese
“To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3.11
- THANKS EVERYONE for making time to be part of what God is doing in our “New Chapters” Lenten Series.
- Thank you, leader, for pulling this New Chapters “chapter” together.
Opening prayer:
Thanks God for gathering us together for these fun and holy 30 minutes. We’re grateful that you promise to guide us in all chapters of our life stories. Send your Holy Spirit upon us in these moments, leading us to new life-giving perspectives and convictions about our stories with you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
1. Intros: In his video testimony, Chip Zimmerman listed a whole variety of unfolding life chapters he’s experienced. In your discussion “chapter,” go around the circle and share your name along with a significant life transition you’ve faced so far.
2. Can someone in your group share a new life chapter that felt very scary or unsettling? What is going on that makes certain new life chapters so difficult?
3. In his testimony, Chip shared the strength he draws from knowing that God promises to be with him in all life changes. Chip highlights the encouraging gifts of faith, hope, and love. He also notes how God helps us grow even in hard transitions. What are your reactions?
4. In her sermon, Pastor Miriam spoke of one of the central new chapters COS faces together, her retirement April 15. (Since some groups didn’t meet last week because of winter break, please share your thoughts on the following two important topics. And even if you discussed these last week, I’m sure you have additional answers ). What’s one aspect of Pastor Miriam’s ministry you’ve appreciated? What’s one blessing you wish for her new life chapter of retirement? (Make sure you tell her your answers!)
5. How many different life chapters can you identify as part of Jesus’ story? What was the value of each?
6. In her sermon, Pastor Miriam cited the variety of life chapters in Joseph’s life: cocky high-school dreamer who angers his brothers, victim of human trafficking and sexual intimidation in the workplace, convict, and political shooting star. Toward the end of his story, as his brothers are stumbling in their apology for selling him in hatred when a teen, Joseph shares his long-term perspective: “Even though you intended to do harm to me, God intended it for good.” Genesis 50. What’s your experience with being able to see God bringing good out of even your very difficult life chapters?
7. This is just the second session for your group, for some of you, the very first! Some of you are just meeting each other for the first time perhaps. You’re doing a great job! Take a moment to tell someone in your group, “Good job!”
8. Our favorite songs use different verses to keep the story moving along. But it seems the whole song hangs together with a chorus. Based on Chip’s testimony, Joseph’s life, and your own experiences, can any of you venture a line or two that might serve as your life song “chorus”, or a current song’s chorus, the meaning of which you find inspirational as you move through your life story with the Lord?
9. Why is it healthy that all humans, but especially COS folks in the midst of transition, reflect upon and talk about new chapters?
If you have time . . .
10. What’s one important perspective about new chapters in life that hasn’t been mentioned yet in your group?
Closing Prayer:
Dear Lord, thanks again for these holy moments with friends in Christ this session. Thanks for our calls to be characters in these chapters of your marvelous story. Thanks that I can trust, like Chip and Pastor Miriam, that even if we can’t see the future, or the details of our new chapters ahead, we can hold on to your faith, hope, and love, because we know you’re faithful in coauthoring our life stories with us. Be with us this week. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Thanks everyone!
See you next week!
Next week’s topic: New Chapters . . . in Location