Nothing Really Matters
17 November 2021
One of the most popular songs of the last several decades is “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen. Opera, rock, ballad. Several genres are fused into this amazing song still sung by millions when they hear it on the radio. Just last week, I even heard country singer Zack Brown cover Bohemian Rhapsody as he opened for the Rolling Stones concert. While the song soars, the lyrics conclude softly with a very depressing finale: “Nothing really matters. Anyone can see, nothing really matters to me.”
I’m in love with Jesus because Jesus shows how much we matter to God! God’s creation matters to God. Each one of us, individually, matters to God as beloved children. Subsequently, we matter to each other and our lives become purposeful.
A dynamic, well-resourced COS matters so much because God uses our precious congregation to let the world know how much we matter! I’ve been touched in our “Following Jesus to Abundant Waters” series, because each week we’ve heard people THANK COS for making a very real difference in their lives as God’s generosity flows through us.
Here are Andy and Mira Kipker sharing how much it MATTERS to them that COS started streaming our services, so that people like them who live out-of-state can join us for worship and even Bible studies:
Here is 26-year old Andrea Fisher who is one of the 11 new family units who joined COS in October! She says she’s going to financially support COS because she’s thrilled about our dynamic staffing and funding for faith formation in young people, which MATTERED so much to her in her home ELCA congregation in South Carolina:
Here is Pastor Mike Ward who shares how much COS support MATTERS to Lutheran outdoor ministries, like Lutheranch, Lutherock and Lutheridge, through our special campaigns and ongoing mission support: