Melissa as Oktoberfest hotdog

Oktoberfest and Thanks for the Thanks

Oktoberfest & Thanks for the Thanks

20 October 2021

Tick, tock, tick, tock. Do you hear it? . . . . The countdown to fun is on!

We’re only three days away from the COS Family OKTOBERFEST! Yahoo. From 4-7 PM this Saturday at our beautiful 411 Palmetto Road campus, a whole bunch of fun awaits: bounce-ables for the kids, live music, Oktoberfest beer and bratwurst, arts and crafts, beautiful meadow and lakeside scenery, and fantastic friends, old and new. (Bring a chair and cash for the meal.)

If you missed the overview skit at worship this Sunday here it is

Melissa as Oktoberfest hotdogAlso, use this link to let Miss Melissa and the COS Youth Group know that you’ll be planning to eat, to help them with their mission fundraiser. You can tell from the hot dog costume outfit she wore on Sunday that they are ready! Acts 2.46-47 tells us, “day by day . . . they enjoyed food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people.” May this Saturday’s Oktoberfest live out this joyful vision of God’s people enjoying each other!
Let us know you are coming!

Finally, friends, on behalf of Pastor Miriam and me, let me share a HUGE THANK YOU for all your affirmation for Pastors’ Appreciation Day. At the 8.30 service, Council President Rick Burnett called the Barbour kids forward who presented us with beautiful affirmation necklaces, each link a kind compliment from one of our amazing COS kids.

Throughout the morning, we were presented with cards from congregational members. Later in the day, when Pastor Miriam and I had a chance to read them, we were both blown away with the inspiring expressions of gratitude, appreciation, and specific examples of how God has allowed us to support you in your faith journeys. Wow! As I said on Sunday, a) we consider it a high honor to “do faith” with you in this amazing faith family Jesus gives us, and b) while we pastors walk a certain calling, we’re so appreciative of our partnership with an amazing staff. We know as you pray and root for us, you pray and root for them. We look forward to the many wonderful delights our Lord of Abundance has in store for us together!

In Christ’s hope,
Pastor Fritz

Let us pray.

Dear God, thanks for the amazing day you’ll provide us this Saturday. Sometimes, it’s really nice to leave our “to-do lists” from school or work behind and have no other task but having fun with each other! Having fun with each other is important to You as our heavenly parent who wants to see your kids get along. That’s why you created us with the ability to laugh and enjoy games and good food. Also, Lord, thanks for helping us remember to tell each other how we appreciate one another. Hearing thanks and giving thanks always helps us enjoy life more deeply. Guide us in all our ways.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.