Mary Brunso
March 1, 2021
I grew up during the Viet Nam war and although we drew the peace symbol on everything and flashed the finger V peace sign to everyone, my pastor explained to our confirmation class that the peace that was in the fruits of the Spirit passage was more encompassing than our flowery rendition. I wonder what he would say about our pandemic and politically charged world today. I suspect that his message would be the same.
Searching the Scriptures for the word peace, I found many different ways that peace finds its way into our lives. Each describes something a little different yet something similar. From the passage in Isaiah foretelling the birth of Jesus, saying he will be the “prince of peace”, to the New Testament references to “blessed are the peacemakers”, the “peace that passes understanding” and Jesus saying, “Peace I leave with you”. I find that the passing of the peace during worship is an excellent reminder of these many facets of peace. On the one hand, we share with each other the thought that we come together as one because of God’s immense love for us. On the other, it is a visual reminder that whatever we are facing, the road is best traveled together, giving us a sense of peace that regardless of how bad it might seem, there is help and love from those who travel with us. So, until we can be together again, “the peace of the Lord be with you all”.
God – Thank you for your gift of peace. Thank you for your gift of community. Amen.