Beatles Liturgy, August 22, 2021 Contemporary
Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran presents our Contemporary Worship Service featuring our unique Beatles Liturgy.
Why have a liturgy or worship format set to all “‘sixties” music? Why not?
In recent years, Christians have been exploring how the Church best reaches our changing world with the fantastic news of God’s radical love for us through Jesus. In the process, we try to discern between style and substance. What is the basic, never-changing substance of the gospel that needs to shine in worship? God’s Word & Meal. These elements focus the faith in worship. Specifically, this author would suggest the forms of a specifically Christian gathering
(what we’re doing in worship is distinctive from work, potlucks, euchre, or studying); God’s Word through lessons and exposition of some sort; offering ourselves through praise, prayers, possessions, and presence; and celebrating the Eucharist (proclaiming the death and resurrection of Jesus through his meal not only is a tremendous faith activity, but the primary way early Christians distinguished themselves from their Jewish brothers and sisters). Therefore, grounded in substance, we enjoy freedom in worship style. Music and language, it makes sense, should be indigenous to the gathered people, so the gospel can be heard clearly. English or French, Bach or Beatles. We need it all to celebrate and proclaim our God’s mighty deeds. After all, Martin Luther himself paved the way for this kind of thinking when he translated the Bible into German and put Christian lyrics to tavern drinking songs. Hopefully, the type of music used in this liturgy spans the interests of several generations of Christians. Plus it’s fun music that’s fairly easy to remember or learn. Will this liturgy-experiment be helpful to all Christians? By no means. But I’m glad if you are somebody who felt it helped you participate in that great old story in a fresh yet authentically Christian way.
In Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Fritz Wiese
Prayer of the Day:
Holy God, your word feeds your people with life that is eternal. Direct our choices and preserve us in your truth, that, renouncing what is false and evil, we may live in you, through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.