Word from Wiese

Sharpening the Saw

Sharpening the Saw

10 June 2021

As you read this, I’ll be hiking in Utah with my son, Luke. The experience is called “vacation.”

Wieses "Sharpening the Saw" on vacationAre you surprised to learn that 55% of Americans do NOT use all their vacation days? I guess I’m one of them. However, I’m committed to USING more days of vacation than I’m LOSING! Studies share that a lot of Americans struggle with guilt (even though Americans receive far less vacation days than most first world countries). We fear taking time off send signals to colleagues that we’re slacking on the job. But doesn’t God Himself model the value of taking vacation? After six days of creating the universe, God rested on the seventh!

It’s on our vacations that we get to:

  1. See the beauty of God’s creation shared for our delight.
  2. Enjoy and deepen key God-given relationships.
  3. Release stress.
  4. Explore hobbies and activities that make us more interesting and creative people.

Some of you are old enough to remember Steven Covey of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People fame. Covey tells the story of two lumberjacks in the forest. They both start their work before sunrise. But half-way through the day, one of the lumberjacks takes a time out. He eats a little lunch, takes a mini-nap, and sharpens his saw. The second lumberjack wants to impress the boss, so he doesn’t stop at all. However, at the end of the day, it’s the first lumberjack who has cut down more trees. His strategy of taking time out to sharpen his saw and refuel his body actually made him more impactful and valuable to his company. How about that!!!

I hope YOU refuse to feel guilty to use your time off. Take this holy time to explore the creation, relationships, and world that God desires you to experience, in addition to your vocation. You’ll be a more interesting human being when you do.

Part of me wants to keep working to add a couple more helpful points. But I’ve got to start packing for vacation!

Following God’s example to REST,
Pastor Fritz