Springs of Life Worship, Octoberfest & Nora’s Porch
22 September 2021
Looking forward.
It makes a difference knowing we have fun events coming to which we can look forward. Today, my pleasure is to share three of them with you: October 3 worship at Palmetto Road, Octoberfest on October 23, and Nora’s Porch. Mark your calendars now!
First, in just 10 days, we get to worship lakeside at our beautiful 33 acre campus located at 411 Palmetto Road, just about 12 minutes northwest of our main campus. There will be ONE service at 9:45am on what will be a gorgeous autumn morning. Our theme is “God’s Refreshing Waters.” Worshipers at Palmetto Road will be receive a COS cup full of delicious water from our new well! (Water was approved by UGA as ready to go for drinking. Will Georgia Tech fans accept? 🙂
Bring your lunch to enjoy after service and participate if you dare in the mega Water Balloon Toss our youth will lead. Gift certificates to the champions. Valet parking for anyone who needs a little help and check out the new, improved port-a-potty. We will also have a hand washing station. Enjoy the day! (Note that we’ll also hold an 8:30am in-person service in our sanctuary, along with the regular streamed 9:45am contemporary and streamed 11:00am traditional worship experiences).
Secondly, mark your calendars for our Saturday October 23 Family OCTOBERFEST at Palmetto Road, from 4-7pm. Bratwurst and beer, live music, kids inflatable adventures, crafts. Don’t miss the wonderful fun. Bring a friend. This video highlights this terrific experience:
Finally, I want to highlight “Nora’s Porch,” which is a new, heart-warming feature out at Palmetto Road. Two years ago, sweet little Nora Robinson was born to Brian and Shannon (Barbour), grand-daughter of Mark and Linda, niece of Clint and Karen. While the time Nora lived on earth was short, the joy she brought was immense. As a tribute to Nora’s life, the family has gifted Nora’s Porch, a wonderful 16×25 foot space in front of the old camp store, looking out on the lake’s beauty, and not far from the pavilion where we held Nora’s funeral last spring and large enough for future rocking chairs and other special features. Brian and Shannon share, “Although it’s easy to focus on the things we don’t have, we’re hoping this is a place to focus on the blessings we do have.” What a faith-filled spirit in which this Nora’s Porch gift is made! It ties right in with our current series, Under Pressure . . . Under God’s Promises. Yes, we always have our troubles, but in the midst of them rejoice in the presence, promises and power of our loving God. This attitude makes all the difference. So, thank you Nora’s family for this inspiring gift and feature!
So, friends, I look forward to seeing you out at 411 Palmetto Road for some really meaningful life events in October!
Let us pray:
Dear Lord, thanks for putting events in our lives to which we can look forward! For worship, bratwurst, beer, conversation with friends, porches that remind us that even in life’s pain you give us family and faith with which to carry on, water-balloon-fights, church picnics, laughter and music, abundant water to drink, beautiful scenery like lakes and geese flying overhead, community amid covid, and chances to feel and confirm that life is good. We are grateful and look forward to taking advantage of what you give us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Looking forward with you,
Pastor Fritz