13 November 2024
The strongman at a circus squeezed the juice from a lemon between his hands. He then shouted to the audience, “I will offer $200 to anyone in the audience who can squeeze another drop from this lemon. A thin scholarly looking woman came forward, picked up the lemon, strained hard and managed to get one, two . . . . and then a total of five more drops! The strongman was amazed. He paid the woman and asked, “What is the secret of your strength?” “Practice,” the woman answered. “I was the treasurer of a Lutheran church for 32 years!
Dear faith friends, as Christians across the world ask each other this time of year about how we can share our money with the Lord, I really hope that it doesn’t come across as a “big squeeze.”
At COS, we’ve been energized with weekly video testimonies of COS members bubbling about God-given gifts, community connections, and future dreams.
Centered in 1 Corinthians 4, we’ve celebrated God’s empowerment of us “servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God!” We’ve even laughed through a fun skit with bumbling Detective Stewart Shipman and eating apple pie. These have been fun and faithful days throughout our Stewarding God’s Mysteries series.
By now you should have received a packet in the mail with a special brochure highlighting our 2025 Ministry Initiatives of Welcoming Leaders, Extending Community, and Building the Future. Among other goals, we seek to increase our offerings by $47,500 and see 70% of families increase their Faith Giving Intents over last year. Together we can do it, working together as the body of Christ, with each playing our own part.
This Sunday, there will be a time at the offering for you to bring your Faith Giving Intent card to the altar as an act of worship to the Lord. If you’ve filled it out online, you can still bring your card or alternative cards will be ready.
As we pray about our gifts this week, I’m glad we don’t do so feeling squeezed!
For as Scripture reminds us, our lives and everything we steward is about cheerfulness and joy:
“Let everyone give according to their heart. Not grudgingly or out of necessity. For God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-7.
(Jesus told them) “I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” John 15:11
- For an electronic version of the explanatory brochure from the Generosity Team, click here.
- For a copy of the Faith Giving Intent, click here.
- For the link to fill out your faith giving intent form online, click here.
Questions for Reflection as shared by the giving graph on the brochure:
- “How does my giving level compare with other ways I use my money?”
- “How adequately does my giving reflect my gratitude to God for all the blessings I have received?”
- “Where would I be if I doubled my offerings? And can I consider doing that?”
- “How much more could I give if I really wanted to?”
Let us pray. Dear God, we rejoice that with you our lives are never a “have to,” but always a “get to.” As we get the honor of stewarding your mysteries of life, forgiveness, grace, and hope for the world, send your Holy Spirit upon our people this week. As we discern our financial gift to Jesus’ agenda for the upcoming year, guide our hearts not through a process of feeling squeezed by obligation, but joyful and cheerful because of your call and trust in us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
In Christ’s hope,
P Fritz