Word from Wiese

St. Simon’s Island

St. Simon’s Island

Word from Wiese

12 June 2024

St Simon's Island Live OaksRiddle:   What do St. Simon’s Island, the Brooklyn Bridge, and the USS Constitution have in common?

The answer is rooted in one of Georgia’s premier vacations spots, St. Simon’s Island.

Apparently, oak timbers from St. Simon’s Island north side were used to build the USS Constitution in 1794. The wood was so strong, that enemy cannonballs bounced off the ship’s hull, encouraging the craft’s nickname of “Old Ironsides.”

Later, in 1874, manufacturers used wood from the Island when constructing the iconic Brooklyn Bridge in New York City.

How could the stewards of those oak trees ever imagine that their lumber would anchor such colorful American history?   Battles fought.   Journeys empowered.

I believe COS ministry is often like those live oaks of St. Simon’s Island.  We humbly offer ministry events we’re convinced share Jesus’ love, community, and grace.  It’s impossible to know the long-term impact.   We simply trust the Holy Spirit will sow seeds of promise and guide the germination throughout the decades, according to God’s holy time.

Griffin Disaster Recovery ProjectOur COS Recovery Team just wrapped up donated 860 hours of volunteer labor rehabbing a home severely tornado-damaged in Griffin.    What long term blessings will unfold over the years in this refreshed home for Christy and Rickey’s family?  Only the Holy Spirit knows.

The Fellowship Hall was teaming with COS Jesus-followers and other community faith friends Monday morning as we kicked off another Summer Sack Lunch Program.   How will God use some of the children fed by the 270+ daily sandwiches delivered?   Only the Holy Spirit knows.

Summer Sack Lunch

Five amazing Lutheran college counselors drove down from North Carolina’s Lutheridge to start leading for 33 COS kids and friends a week jammed full of bible stories, games, songs, and fun on Monday, known as Lutheroad.    How many of these kids will change the world because their Christian faith was joyfully formed in part this wonderful week?   Only the Holy Spirit knows.


So, thanks COS—as a congregation and individually — for planting “God seeds” into the lives of so many.   You never know how God will germinate your loving efforts in the years and decades to come!

Sowing seeds (of live oaks?) with you,

Pastor Fritz

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. — Jeremiah 29:11

How are we used by God to unfold future plans for others?

Let us pray: 

Make us busy Lord with good plans.  Even if we have nothing to do with baking bread, help us grow the wheat today.  Even if we can’t imagine the new homes built, help us plant the trees today.  Even if we can’t envision the impact of social workers, faithful business owners, or artists, help us shape the crazy and unruly children today.   Our vision is limited, but your faithfulness is enduring.  Help us proceed accordingly with good courage in your faithfulness.   In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Questions for reflection:

  1. What neat experience impresses me which took decades to unfold?
  2. Do I act only when I can be guaranteed immediate results?Why?
  3. What do I want for my great grand-children?Is there anything I can do now to help?