Word from Wiese

Taking Three French Hens to the Post Office

Taking Three French Hens to the Post Office

Word from Wiese

27 December 2023

Dear Friend in Faith,

Happy 3rd day of our 12 days of Christmas!

My original plan was to mail each one of you the traditional third-day gift of “three French hens.”  But the post-office said they couldn’t handle my order.  Can you believe it?

But I’ve got a pretty wonderful Plan B.   Whether you’re traveling, still hosting relatives, or back to work, here are three songs to bless your day.  Youngster Charlotte Pointek offered a magnificent rendition of Mary Did You Know at our 10.30 AM Advent 4 service and then skipped back to her seat in classic Charlotte-fashion.   The Wiese children, although a bit older than Charlotte and backed by their mother sang Light of the Stable at our 6.30 PM Christmas Eve service.   Another daughter of the congregation, Olivia Milburn, supported by her parents and a few other friends from the 4.30 Christmas Eve service belted out a jazzy version of Go Tell It on the Mountain.




Each one of these offerings captures the true Christmas spirit—that Jesus, who loves each of us so much, is born afresh into our lives.

Merry Christmas!

Pastor Fritz

Reflection:   What’s been a special moment for you so far this Christmas holiday?   What might the Lord be whispering to you?

Let us pray:  All-powerful and unseen God, the coming of your light into our world has brightened weary hearts with peace. Call us out of darkness, and empower us to proclaim the birth of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.  (Evangelical Lutheran Book of Worship)