Word from Wiese

Who Cares?

Who Cares?

Word from Wiese

22 May 2024

Who cares?

Turns out, a lot of you.   On Sunday morning at COS, I was moved with how much caring was unfolding in so many directions.

When I first walked into church, golden glitter caught me eyes.  Shining curtain streamers festooned the Conference Room entrance, awaiting the surprise celebration of John and Marilyn Lehmann’s 66th wedding anniversary, not to mention John’s 90th birthday!  Their bible study was in high “we care about you, Lehmanns!” mode.


In worship, Shelly Jakubowski helped us shower care upon our graduating seniors as we bestowed upon them gifts, baptismal connections, blessings and even a little gospel advice in the sermon.   Several of the senior played their brass instruments in the ensemble, a ministry of care led for years by volunteer Karl Dietmeyer.  More Sunday evenings than not, Karl has been gathering our youth to express their music creativity, but also to express a welcoming expression of Chiristian caring community.

2024 Graduation Seniors

After the rousing final hymn and postlude, I was struck with how the large assembly quickly transformed into a roomful of small conversations.  In a world with proliferating cries of loneliness, how neat it was, I thought, that God was connecting all these different people, of different ages, political bents, and perspectives in a spirit of caring interaction.

Who Cares? Christ Our Shepherd does!Moving down the hallway, how could one not notice Room 214 packed with people for the new bible study called Open Doors.   With my worship duties, I’ve only been able to attend briefly once.  But clearly, it’s a group that spends time caring about how each other are doing, and caring that the voices of all are respected as they explore current topics.

Then I saw the display on the sanctuary windows.  Folks shared on red sticky notes how God was using them as Pentecost Pulse to share God’s care out in the world—as babysitters, helpers, coaches, tutors, board members, pilgrims, and more!

When I made it to the sanctuary, how powerful to see folks writing scripture verses and prayers on the exposed floors.  Through this artistry and the strong financial support of the Rejoice & Renew Campaign, it’s clear COS deeply cares about what God is doing in this Sanctuary Renewal process.  And this picture of some of our kids offering scripture and pictures shows they feel cared for as part of the process too!

Sanctuary floorLast Tuesday, I appreciated three different groups responding to my invitation to gather for a strategy meeting.   Interim Pastor Carla and I are so appreciative of the Senior Connections Tea, Hospital Visitation Team, the Prayer & Card Care Team, each on the front lines of the COS care effort.

When I glanced at the hallway monitors, one care initiative after the other scrolled:

  • Summer Sack Lunch Program getting ready to crank up again
  • Suicide Prevention Workshop offered so we can all do a better job those who struggle
  • Juliet Cutler going to Tanzania to work with young girls for better education
  • COS Disaster Relief Team rehabbing a home in Griffin

The tag-line of Christ Our Shepherd is “connecting to Jesus’ pathway of joy and life.”  We use “connect” as an acronymn of explaining discipleship with Jesus.  The C of Connect, we say, stands for CARE.  We first learn how much God cares for us.  Then, in gratitude, we start caring for others.

Sunday was a special day for me.  Because I got to witness afresh how much the folks of COS care for each other and care for God’s world!

You’ve heard the old adage:   people won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.  If that’s true, I guess a lot of people will be asking you questions about what you know about God and grace, because they know through your actions that you care.

In Christ’s hope,

Pastor Fritz

We love because God first loved us.

1 John 4.17

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Where do you see God’s care flowing through others at COS?
  2. How often do you stop and claim the amazing promise that God deeply, deeply cares for you?
  3. How is God using you to multiply the flow of care in the world?