Word from Wiese

Grace, Gratitude, and Gathering

Grace, Gratitude, and Gathering Word From Wiese 15 November 2023 Richard Rohr is a Roman Catholic priest who distributes daily prayers/centering thoughts he hopes others might find encouraging and hopeful.  Rohr’s offerings this week touched me.  For I find in them a sweet mixture of grace, gratitude, and gathering—exactly the themes so prevalent in our COS congregational life as we …

Word from Wiese

Together, We Do It

Together, We Do It Word from Wiese 9 November 2023 Question:   According to the Mayo Clinic, what can improve sleep, mood and immunity?  What can decrease depression, anxiety, and difficulties with chronic pain and risk of disease? Answer:  Gratitude. If a pill could bring all the amazing health benefits listed above, everyone would be taking it.  Most of us would …