ATTENTION ALL SERVANTS OF THE LORD! Do you feel blessed? Would you like to find a tangible way to give back? We can make it easy for you!! On SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, hundreds of congregations of the ELCA will join together for God's Work/Our Hands, an annual day of service. On Saturday, September 10, we […]
Youth Ministry at Lutheridge
Middle and high school youth will attend summer camp at Lutheridge this summer!
Annual Holiday Decorations Workshop
Join the experts from The Art of Landscaping for our Annual Holiday Decorations Workshop. The cost includes basic holder, greenery, other decorations, and lunch. Be sure to sign up in advance by calling 770-461-4860. This event always fills up fast!
Youth Sunday
During regular worship services, celebrate our youth and hear about summer experiences for our elementary, middle, and high school students.
Children’s Christmas Program
Join us at the 11am service for a musical program presented by the M&M and sKIDdles singers.
Family Advent Night
Bring the whole family for a night of fun activities all about advent and the Christmas story!
Celebration in Honor of David Beecher
Our long time Music Minister, David Beecher will retire December 31st. Join us to celebrate all that he has done for Christ Our Shepherd and wish him well in the coming years. Please RSVP at
Youth Ministry Tubing
Join your friends for whitewater tubing in Ellijay on June 4th! Contact Shelly at [email protected] for more information.
Community Summer Sack Lunch Program
The Summer Sack Lunch Program is an excellent opportunity for families, grandparents, GIFT Groups and others to GIVE BACK!!! Every Monday beginning June 6th through July 25th (excluding July 4th), Christ Our Shepherd will be providing sack lunches for children who otherwise might not have a lunch to eat! YOU can help by making sandwiches, […]
Blessing of the Backpacks
Bring your backpack to church this morning and receive a special blessing for the new school year.